Студенческая работа № 57736. Контрольная Бромистый этил

Учебная работа № 57736. Контрольная Бромистый этил Количество страниц учебной работы 24 Содержание Содержание
1. Введение
2. Обзор литературы
2.1. Бромирование
2.2. Применение
3. Результаты
4. Экспериментальная часть
5. Заключение
6. Библиографический список
7. Приложения Библиографический список
1. Bromoethane. Celia Elliot-Minty, Paul Howe. World Health Organization, 2003, 150 p.
2. A novel hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent modified by phenolic hydroxyl group of 2-naphthol with bromoethane as crosslinking reagent. Xinhua Yuan. Carbohydrate Polymers 74 (2008) 468–473
3. Kinetic study of the reaction of chlorine atoms with bromoethane and D-bromoethane in the gas phase. Dariusz Sarzyn´ ski. Chemical Physics Letters 509 (2011) 114–118 detector. Journal of Chromatography A, 862 39–47.
4.Divjak B, Novic M, Goessler W (1999) Determination of bromide, bromate and other anions with ion chromatography and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer as elementspecific
5.T, Shanahan I, Hande M, Fitzpatrick S (1993) Rate constants and atmospheric lifetimes for the reactions of OH radicals and Cl atoms with haloalkanes. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 25 273–284.
6.Akrill P, Scott R, Cocker J (2001) Breath analysis to assess exposure to trihalomethanes in drinking water. Poster presented at the 4th Agilent Technologies Environmental Mass Spectrometry meeting, Chester, 28–29 June 2001.
7.Pankow JF, Luo W, Isabelle LM, Bender DA, Baker RJ (1998) Determination of a wide range of volatile organic compounds in ambient air using multisorbent adsorption/thermal desorption and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 70 5213–5221.
8.Muller M, Reinhold P, Lang M, Zeise M, Jurgens U, Hallier E (1999) Photometric determination of human serum bromide levels — a convenient biomonitoring parameter for methyl bromide exposure. Toxicology Letters, 107 155–159.
9.Upregulation of estrogen receptor expression in the uterus of ovariectomized B6C3F1 mice and Ishikawa cells treated with bromoethane. Hiroaki Aoyama. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 209 (2005) 226 – 235
10.Bromoethane, chloroethane and ethylene oxide induced uterine
neoplasms in B6C3F1 mice from 2-year NTP inhalation bioassays
pathology and incidence data revisited. Exp Toxic Pathol 2003; 55 1–9
11.Гитис С.С., Глаз А.И., Иванов А.В. «»Практикум по органической химии Органический синтез»» М. Высшая школа, 1991 стр. 141-142
12.Organic Chemistry Fourth Edition. P. Vollhardt. Freeman and Co. 2003, 1203.
13.Chemistry. Max Parsonage. Oxford, 2000, 100 p.
14.Organic Chemistry. Thomas N.. Sorrell. University Science Books, Sausalito, California, 2006, 958 p.
15.Bulletin Of Chemical Thermodynamics. Oklahoma state university. 2006
16.Рабинович В.А., Хавин З.Я. «»Краткий химический справочник»» Л. Химия, 1977 стр. 1977
17.Патент №2041189. Горлачев И.В. 1995
18.International Chemical Safety Card 1378
20.Синтезы органических препаратов. Р. Адамс. М. ГИИЛ, 1949, 350 с.
21.NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
22.IARC Monograph «»Bromoethane»»
Приложения Стоимость данной учебной работы 585 руб.
Студенческая работа № 57736. Контрольная Бромистый этил